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Subject: Geography
Category: Plastics - Environmental aspects

Ocean cleanup

The Ocean Cleanup's mission is to develop advanced technologies to rid the world's oceans of plastic, relying on natural ocean currents to catch and concentrate plastic debris.

Subject: Geography
Category: Plastics - Environmental aspects

War on plastic

BBC Plastics Watch presents videos and articles about the plastic footprint, plastic pollution, ocean plastic litter, single-use plastic, recycling, breaking down waste, and how to go plastic-free.

Subject: Geography
Category: Plastics - Environmental aspects

Why we need to recycle plastic and not add to the eight million tonnes of rubbish in our oceans

The Independent reports that tonnes of plastic sit unrecycled in landfills where it may take from 450 to 1,000 years to breakdown and decompose. Micro-plastics end up in our oceans as marine litter that pollutes oceans and harms marine life.

Subject: Geography
Category: Plastics - Environmental aspects

Plastic Oceans education program

The Plastic Oceans Foundation has information on plastic, problems associated with its production and use, and possible solutions to pollution problems.

Subject: Geography
Category: Plastics - Environmental aspects

Plastic and how it affects our oceans

Plastic has transformed our lives but has created a major environmental problem in our oceans. ABC News investigates the extent of the problem, why marine scientists are so concerned, and what we can do about it.

Subject: Geography
Category: Plastics - Environmental aspects

Hope stories

Young Ocean Explorers video reports on a student initiative to collect plastic from the ocean and the surrounding environment to prevent plastic pollution from threatening sea life.

Subject: Geography
Category: Plastics - Environmental aspects

Plastics explainer

The World Wildlife Foundation has a downloadable poster about plastic and the damage it is causing to the planet, including microfibres in the ocean, and environmental pollution. It highlights the problem with plastic water bottles, and promotes reducing and reusing over recycling.

Subject: Geography
Category: Marine pollution


The SeaBin project aims to reduce the plastics in our oceans. The site has information on the problem of microfibres and plastics and the SeaBin capability to catch plastic bags, cups, bottles and utensils.

Subject: Science
Category: Plastics

Plastics make it possible

Get facts about plastics, discover plastics history and read about the diverse types of plastics and bioplastics on this site from the American Chemistry Council. Sections include technology and science, automotive, healthcare, fashion, sport, and building and construction. It also explains what happens to recycled plastic.

Subject: Geography
Category: Plastics - Environmental aspects

Plastic free July

During Plastic Free July participants aim to reduce or eliminate single-use plastics from their everyday life. The site has tips and resources for living plastic-free.

Subject: Geography
Category: Plastics - Environmental aspects

What happens to the plastic we throw out

National Geographic shows how a piece of plastic rubbish can travel from land to Henderson Island, an uninhabited, remote island in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Ocean

Earth's oceans

Enchanted Learning provides notes and diagrams about the oceans. Suitable for young people, the webpage includes topics such as the reasons why the ocean is salty, causes of waves, tsunamis, water cycle, why the ocean is blue, what causes tides, hurricanes, undersea explorers and coral reefs The website includes ocean animal printouts and ocean crafts.

Subject: Science
Category: Ocean - Environmental aspects

What is happening in the ocean

'Climate Kids' from NASA examines how climate change is affecting the oceans. Topics include: how the oceans soak up energy and CO2, ocean affects on climate, salt in the ocean and acidity. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Plastics - Environmental aspects

Plastic Pollution Coalition

Plastic Pollution Coalition aims to work to stop plastic pollution and its toxic impacts on humans, animals and the environment. The site contains facts, and common misconceptions about plastics and recycling and their impact on the environment and the individual.

Subject: Science
Category: Ocean


From Kidcyber, this is written in easy text and gives information about the ocean as well as a map showing the location of oceans. There is a link to ocean facts, as well as information on blue whales, penguins, and seals.

Subject: Science
Category: Ocean

Ocean habitat

National Geographic Kids explains that oceans are areas of salty water that fill enormous basins on the Earth's surface. Oceans help keep Earth's climate habitable. Oceans include a variety of marine species and habitats.

Subject: Geography
Category: Plastics - Environmental aspects

Kids against plastic

Created by two students, this site raises awareness about the negative effect single-use plastic is having on the environment. They present resources on topics including climate change, greenhouse gases, global warming, plastic pollution, plastic microfibres and more.

Subject: Geography
Category: Plastics - Environmental aspects

Our plastic ocean: infinite waste in boundless seas: in pictures

For more than a decade UK-based photographer Mandy Barker has been travelling the world and creating stark images of marine debris in a black ocean that aim to raise awareness of pollution of our seas. The Guardian presents some of the images.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Ocean

UN atlas of the oceans

The UN Atlas of the Oceans provides information on the world's oceans and seas.The site has maps, images, statistics, and other information on topics such as the uses of the oceans, issues related to their use ( eg. coastal management), geography and science. Other topics include how the oceans were formed, how they are changing, and their dynamics.

Subject: Geography
Category: Marine pollution

Perth's first ocean rubbish bin is sucking plenty of plastic out of the sea

The ABC reports that a unique floating rubbish bin, which effectively acts as a vacuum cleaner for the ocean, is being put to good use in waters off Western Australia. The SeaBin collects marine debris such as plastics, polystyrene beads, and cigarette butts.

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