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Subject: Science
Category: Renewable energy

What is renewable energy

Renewable energy is energy which can be obtained from natural resources that can be constantly replenished. Types of renewable energy technologies include: bioenergy, geothermal energy, hydropower, ocean energy, solar energy and wind energy.

Subject: Science
Category: Renewable energy

Renewable energy

Energy Australia's pages on renewable energy are suitable for students in upper primary school with clear language and diagrams explaining how each source of energy works. Topics covered are hydroelectricity, solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Energy

Energy kids

The US Department of Energy website has educational material, activities, science projects, pictures and graphs, text and biographies, social science milestones in the history of energy and an energy quiz. The site also examines the history of energy and provides useful information about all forms of renewable and non-renewable energy.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Renewable energy

STEM rising

This US Department of Energy website has been extensively revised and has fewer activities, games, and information about renewable energy technology, sources, and future possibilities.

Subject: Geography
Category: Renewable energy

Clean energy

These curriculum support materials explore the theme of clean energy including energy efficiency and different types of renewable energy in Australia: wind, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, solar water, hydroelectricity, bioenergy, geothermal and ocean power.

Subject: Geography
Category: Renewable energy

Energy for students

Origin Energy company provides information on sources of energy, energy and the environment, and how to be energy smart. It includes pages on biomass energy, hydro, solar, and wind energy.

Subject: Science
Category: Energy resources - Environmental aspects

Non-renewable energy

Non-renewable energy comes from sources that will eventually run out, such as oil and coal. National Geographic presents the advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuels and their effect on the environment. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Cross-curriculum
Category: Renewable energy

Clean Energy Council of Australia

The Clean Energy Council of Australia (CEC) gives information on renewable energy resources such as solar and wind power. The Education section of the website provides material for teachers and upper primary / lower secondary students across all curriculum areas.

Subject: Science
Category: Energy

Where does energy live

This animated YouTube video outlines sources of energy, linking them to the forms of energy they produce. It describes fossil fuels (gas, coal, petroleum), nuclear energy, hydraulic energy, wind power, solar energy, biomass, and explains the difference between renewable or polluting energy.

Subject: Science
Category: STEM education


Science and Technology Education Leveraging Relevance is a ready-to-use STEM resource based around sustainable energy technologies. Modules include renewable energy, wind energy, electricity and energy, solar cars, sustainable housing, water, climate change and oceans, sensing sound, future health and earth, moon and sun.

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